Anglican Bishop’s Wife escapes Kidnap Attempt

Alphonsus Nweze

The wife of the Bishop of Nsukka Diocese, Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, weekend, escaped being kidnapped by whiskers by some hoodlums in Achi, Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State.

The Bishop, Rt. Rev. Aloysius Agbo, himself revealed the kidnap attempt on Saturday at Nsukka while addressing members of Nsukka Journalists Forum (NJF), during their summit held at Adada Hall in the university town.

The Bishop who was the keynote speaker at the event said he was to travel with his wife for a burial of a member of the church at Achi but because he was indisposed he could not go.

The wife however went for the burial but when they got to Achi two hummer buses trailed the vehicle they were travelling in.

Before long one of the buses overtook their vehicle and blocked them.

The Bishop who said his wife narrated the story to him through another handset as she abandoned hers in the vehicle escaped with the person she was travelling with.

The kidnappers however abducted the driver with the vehicle but later abandoned the vehicle.

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